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Educate in life and for life, through a relationship that accompanies, integrates and helps to grow.

(Company of Mary Our Lady School Vision – Brazil, Sao Paulo)

Network International education

More than 400 years and Presence in 28 countries on 4 continents

Americas I Africa
Europe I Asia

"At Institutions The Company of Mary's educational programs, inspired by the charism of St. Joan of Lestonnac, offer a humanist-Christian education that, based on the dialogue between faith-justice, faith-culture, faith-science and technology, focuses on the integral formation of people and transformation. of society".

(Company of Mary Our Lady Mission)

“A person does not educate himself, it is an entire environment that educates”, said Joana de Lestonnac. In order to have a lasting and continuous effect, the teaching-learning process presupposes the existence of a favorable environment of freedom, autonomy and mutual respect among all participants in the Community.

We understand that we educate not only through words, but mainly through our gestures and attitudes. As this is our conviction, our commitment is to select with extreme care each member of the Team of Educators, who need to be in tune with the mission and values of the Company of Mary.

The construction of an authentic Educational Community is a goal that is never fully achieved. However, it is an ideal that we want and a commitment that we assume.

We also promote regular meetings and specific training, so that all members of our Team feel that they share with us this greater effort in favor of a Humanist and Christian Education, a mission assumed by all who are part of the Compa Family.

"A relationship that accompany, integrates and help grow up

Management Team

Sister Zirlene Barbosa
Administrative director

Viviane Flores
Diretora-Geral e Acadêmica

Sister Vilma de Freitas Pimenta
Assistente de Direção

Janaina Daniele
Orientadora Educacional

Rinaldo Melo
Coordenador Administrativo e Financeiro

Sonia Goretti
Pastoral General Coordinator

Simone Azevedo
Coordenadora Pedagógica / Educ. Infantil, Ens. Fund. Anos Inicias e Período Integral

Marcia Leila Bezerra
Coordenadora Pedagógica / Ens. Fund. Anos Finais, Ens. Médio e Cursos Extras

Company of Mary Our Lady School · Brazil, Sao Paulo
Rua Afonso Brás, 847 – Vila Nova Conceição
Service: (11) 3040-3311